By now, you probably realize how important it is to refresh (or completely overhaul) your website so that it incorporates all the current features users expect as well as compiling with SEO, mobile, and other trends. As we shared in a previous blog post, "Iterative Website Design," your website is a living representation of your business that must be fed with new content and be able to grow and change as the market demands.
Wikipedia defines iterative design as "a design methodology based on cyclic process of prototyping, testing, analyzing, and refining a product or process." This process best describes our approach to website design and when it comes to our own agency's new website. For the next iteration of our site, we are going to utilize the copy, images, and color scheme, but utilize a new theme to make our new website easier to navigate and so we can better highlight each individual piece of work we've done for clients over the years.
Here's a few sneak peeks at what's to come for our new website, which we plan to launch by the end of this year in order to help us start 2016 off on the best possible foot.