Photo by Robert Jemimus under Creative Commons.
by Megan Jonas
Sometimes it feels like the entire world is on the internet. While that may not be true, the vast majority of your customers, local and national media contacts, and your competitors likely are… which is why you need a digital press kit.
Here are five quick reasons why all smart marketers are online:
1. Digital press kits are rapidly becoming the industry standard. Journalists expect them and having one increases the likelihood of accurate information being conveyed by the media.
2. Digital press kits can be updated with more frequency and less cost than print copies of press kit, allowing you to publicize the latest information and data.
3. Information can be moved around to highlight different aspects of your organization, such as new businesses, the latest economic data, or seasonally appropriate information.
4. Digital press kits provide a quick, easy reference for journalists and community members looking for facts and figures, and a point of contact for those people looking for more information, and are available using standard search engines.
5. Digital press kits save your press spokesperson time now used answering frequently asked questions and searching out and providing data, images and logos for reporters and community members
So, save time, get info out there and refresh your brand’s web presence with one tool. Sounds like a deal to me. Later this month, I’ll outline key decisions you need to make when preparing and sending a digital press kit.