This image was released by the National Cancer Institute, an agency part of the National Institutes of Health, with the ID 7452. Public Domain, Wikimedia Commons.
by Megan Jonas
This is the fifth post in our series on Digital Press Kits. Read the previous four posts here: “Digital Press Kits: The New Essential”, "Digital Press Kits: Where to Start", "Digital Press Kits: With Images, Size Matters", "Digital Press Kits: Just the Facts"
When it comes to digital press kits, non-profit organizations are way ahead of the curve. They have a great story to tell, need to get as much earned (as opposed to paid) media as possible, and want to dedicate as little precious human time to answering basic questions and sending logos and photos as possible.
Let’s take a look at a few digital press kits that get it right:
The American Red Cross
The American Red Cross website features a media resources section that includes photos, logos, recent press releases and media contacts. Located adjacent to that section is the “about us” section which includes key facts, a brief history, and a description of the various services this organization provides.
All of this is provided in a clear, concise, easy-to-navigate manner that matches the tone of the organization.
The Little Big Fund
The Little Big Fund is a non-profit that serves other non-profits by aggregating donations and highlighting small, regional charities. Its “press” page includes a sidebar with quick facts, a history section, links to recent articles, and high quality images for press and media use.
The one-page layout is great for a small organization like this one and keeps all of the information in one, easy-to-find place.
Water.org is an international non-governmental organization that seeks to provide access to clean water throughout the world. Its news resources page includes photos, videos, and links to many different fact sheets and resources.
On a separate FAQ page, the organization provides answers to many of the questions that a reporter or blogger might ask while writing about the services and programs of water.org.
You can see from these examples that each organization takes a different tack when it comes to their digital press kits, but they share a the same key characteristic: easy-to-find resources, links, facts and images that help tell their stories.